How to Make a Fast Free Video with Loom

Sometimes, it helps to be able to show someone what you're experiencing rather than explain it. Especially if you are experiencing an error or glitch with a webpage and want to convey as much information about the problem as possible.

It can really help the person helping you to see exactly what you see. That way if they're seeing something different they can compare and isolate in order to work more quickly. Sending a screen share video saves time on back and forth. And it provides a clearer record of troubleshooting that can be shared with multiple people if necessary.

Step 1: Create a Free Account with Loom

Go to and select "Get Loom for Free". They will ask you a few questions, like for your email and about what you intend to use Loom for. This process should only take a minute or two.

Step 2: Set Up Your Video

Loom gives you a few options about how to take a video. Begin by choosing the "New Video" button while logged in. Then choose "Record Video." Don't worry! Nothing will start recording yet. A Loom module will pop up, giving you choices about your video.

  1. Choose what visuals you want to include. Your options are Full Screen (100% of your screen), Window (Everything inside your browser - use this if you intend on moving from tab to tab within your recording), Current Tab (Only the tab you currently have open), or Camera Only which incudes just your face and nothing on your screen.
  2. You can choose your camera, or turn off the camera feature entirely. If you leave it on, Loom will use whatever camera you have to include video of your face in the corner of the screen recording.
  3. You can choose your microphone, or turn off the microphone feature entirely. If you leave it on, Loom will use whatever mic you have to include audio from you. This is helpful if you want to narrate what's going on, but it's not necessary.

Step 3: Start Recording

Once you choose the "Start Recording" button, Loom will ask you to confirm where you want to start. You can start on a certain tab, in your Window, or with the entire screen visible. Once you make that selection and choose Share, it's time to record!

You'll see a 3-2-1 countdown before Loom actually starts recording your screen.

As you're recording, you'll see a small module at one corner of your screen that looks like this:

You can choose to scrap the entire recording by hitting the trash can. You can start the recording over by hitting the circle arrow. You can pause the recording by clicking the two lines. And you can end the recording by clicking the red square button.

Once you've stopped the recording, Loom will stop recording your video, audio and screen. You will be directed to a page on which you can watch the recording back to make sure it looks and sounds how you want.

Step 4: Sharing the Recording

Now that your recording is complete and saved, you can share it with others.

Above your recording, you should see these icons.

Choose the Link icon in the middle and a link will be added to your clipboard. Now all you have to do is Paste it into whatever message or email you're using.

Use the large Share button to share it in other ways, like through social media or webpage embeds.

So... to recap!

  1. Create a free Loom account.
  2. Record a video with the settings you are comfortable with.
  3. Tap the Link icon to get a link directly to this video to share with others.

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